The Believer's Security in Christ |
"How Tedious and Tasteless the Hours"Speaking of believers, John Newton said, "They are no longer their own; they would not be their own; it is their desire, their joy, their glory, to live to Him who died for them. He has won their hearts by His love, and made them a willing people in the day of his power. How tedious and tasteless the hours, THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." I may be the weakest of the sheep, but I shall not want. I may be the dumbest, I may wander and stray, I may grow old and feeble; but I shall not want. I may not have all that I desire or wish, but I shall not want. I will endure trial, sickness and sorrow, I will walk through this valley of death, and I will one day stand before God's throne, but I shall not want. My Shepherd is able to save to the uttermost, to do all that He promised, to keep that which I have committed to Him, and to present me faultless before His throne, I shall not want. Pastor Henry Mahan THE UNCHANGING OBJECTS OF GOD'S LOVEGod is unchanging in the objects of His love - not only in His love, but in the objects of it. "If ever it should come to pass, If one dear saint of God had perished, so might all; if one of the covenant ones be lost, so may all be, and then there is no gospel promise true; but the Bible is a lie, and there is nothing in it worth my acceptance. I will be an infidel at once, when I can believe that a saint of God can ever fall finally. If God hath loved me once, then he will love me for ever. "Did Jesus once upon me shine, The objects of everlasting love never change. Those whom God hath called, he will justify; whom he has justified, he will sanctify; and whom he sanctifies, he will glorify. Charles H. Spurgeon Our Great ShepherdThe sinner who is enlightened to know himself, his wants, enemies, and dangers, will not dare to confide in anything short of an Almighty arm; he needs a Shepherd who is full of wisdom, full of care, full of power; able, like the sun to shine upon millions at once, and possessed of those incommunicable attributes of Deity, omniscience and omnipresence. Such is our great Shepherd. Content with beholding His face, John Newton CASTING YOUR CARE UPON HIMIn casting our cares on God there are plainly required three things:
I could not get rid of painful anxiety by casting it on God, if I did not believe He could sustain it. What lies at the very basis here is the conviction that God is the sovereign of the universe, uncontrolled and uncontrollable. He is one "whose kingdom ruleth over all;" "who can do everything;" "whose arm none can stay;" to whom none dare say, "What doest Thou?" I cannot cast my care, all my care, on Him unless I believe that His power is guided by wisdom and righteousness. If I were not convinced that God is possessed of infinite wisdom and righteousness, it would increase my anxieties, not diminish them; but, the clear understanding that He who has all things under His control is perfect in knowledge, infinite in wisdom, glorious in holiness, plentiful in justice and full of kindness, persuades me that His management of everything must be the best possible. Pastor Scott Richardson PERSEVERANCE All for whom Christ died will persevere: they, as the saints of old, will "die in faith." God does not deal with us as robots, we are required to continue in well doing. Yet our enduring to the end cannot be attributed to our faithfulness or even the strength of our new nature we received when regenerated by the Holy Spirit. We are enabled to persevere because "It is God which worketh in us both to will and do of His pleasure" (Phil. 2:13, Heb. 13:21). God is the one who works in us and keeps us from totally falling away. It is not by any power or sufficiency in ourselves. Pastor Donnie Bell To Whom Shall We Go?"Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the Living God" (John 6:69). From the standpoint of God's eternal decrees it may truly be said that believing sinners will not turn away from Christ because they cannot, but from the standpoint of the believing sinner's experience it may just as truly be said that he can not turn away from Christ because he will not. And this is not presumption. It is simple, saving, childlike faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. "Should all the works that hell devise, Jim Byrd Blessed AssuranceThere is something very comforting to the believer when he sees the "wills", "shalls", and "musts" within the scripture. Those words speak of certainty. When it comes to the God of the Bible, we behold there One who is sovereign -- One Who does as He wills and One who owes no explanation of His actions to anyone. The God of scripture is not one that can be bargained with, but is One to be bowed to. His Word always goes forth and accomplishes the purpose for which it has been sent (Isaiah 55:11). One such scripture plainly sets forth the certainty of salvation for God's people is John 6:37. Listen to the unwavering words of our Lord: "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." Within this one scripture three undeniable and unchangeable facts are established by the Holy Spirit, and in these facts the eye of faith most assuredly beholds God's glory: 1) God the Father has given a blessed gift to the Son, 2) the Lord Jesus Christ will most assuredly possess that gift, and 3) that gift is eternally secure.
God's word stands sure. When it comes to the salvation of God's people, one can rest on these truths: God has given (and chosen) to His Son a people that He has eternally loved. Those that the Father has given to Christ shall by Spirit-given faith surely come unto salvation. All that come to Christ by faith unto salvation shall surely be preserved by Christ, for He will in no wise cast them out. For these blessed truths, we praise and give thanks to our matchless Lord. |
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