Sermon Lists Order Sermon Recordings |
Searching the Sermons DatabaseTo search the Sermons database, click on the database you want to search, and let the page load. Next, click on either the binocular icon, or select "Tools", "Find". In either case, an Acrobat Find window will appear. Type in your search criteria and click "Find". To find each instance of the found item, continue to select the binocular icon/"Find Again" (or "Tools", "Find Again") until all desired items are found. |
Please read the following before ordering sermon recordings for the first time:All sermon recordings are available free of charge.The sermon lists include gospel messages preached by many sovereign grace speakers over many years. Some are available on audio cassette tape and CDROM, but others are only available either on tape or on CDROM. The sermon lists linked to below will indicate whether the sermon is available on tape and/or CDROM. If there is no "check" (√ ) under the "Tape" column it is not available on audio cassette tape. If there is no "check" (√ ) under the "CD" column it is not available on CDROM. The CDROM recordings will play in any standard audio CDROM player.If all the sermons you request are available on CDROM, you can have all delivered in MP3 format on one CDROM disk. These can be played either on a computer or on many more modern CD players (they cannot be played on older CD players). If you want sermons delivered in this manner, note this in the "Special Instructions" portion of the online order form. Webmaster As you view the lists, write down numbers and/or names of the sermons you desire and fill out the form below.
Sermon Lists (These lists are very large -- expect a delay of up to one minute for them to load) |
(List each message in a different box - include
sermon catalog number as a minimum) If your tape order is to be shipped out of the continental United States, we get a special postage rate for two package sizes - one size holds 6 tapes, the other holds 12 tapes. So, order at least 6 or at least 12 tapes if you desire. Important Notice The purpose of this audio ministry is to spread the Gospel of Sovereign Grace to as many as possible. However, we only have a staff of one and a limited budget, so please share this resource by limiting requests to a total of 12 tapes OR 12 CDROMs per month. This can be one copy each of 12 sermons, 12 copies of one sermon, 4 copies of 3 sermons, or any combination that totals 12.