The Grace of God

II Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for thee.”


These are the words of the Lord to the apostle Paul.  This is the banner of all believers. God used men to pen what he purposed to be written providing us with His word.  Do you see His sufficiency in doing so?    Think of the pictures and types set forth in scripture, wrought out by the lives of men and women whom God directed for the purpose of showing forth the person and work of Christ Jesus the Lord.  Oh the sufficiency of His grace! Who could justify hell-deserving sinners?  Who could reconcile man to God? Who could speak and cause the dead to come forth?  Unable, unwilling, undesirable sinners robed in His righteousness raised with Him justified, sealed by the Spirit of promise the earnest of the inheritance.  The resurrected Lord of hosts seated at the right hand of the Father, gone to prepare a place for His bride, making intercession on their behalf, determining, directing, disposing of the whole matter is the God of all sufficient grace. As we go about our pilgrimage through this vast wilderness let us find comfort, assured that God’s grace is sufficient.

Clay Curtis