Consistent Sayings for Inconsistent Saints

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  • Grace finds us beggars but leaves us debtors.
    (Augustus Toplady)

  • When Christ entered into Jerusalem the people spread garments in the way: when He enters into our hearts, we pull off our own righteousness, and not only lay it under Christ's feet but even trample upon it ourselves.
    (Augustus Toplady)

  • The greatest judgment which God himself can, in the present life, inflict upon a man is to leave him in the hand of his own boasted 'free'-will. (Augustus Toplady)

  • Grace alone makes the elect gracious; grace alone keeps them gracious; and the same grace alone will render them everlastingly glorious in the heaven of heavens.
    (Augustus Toplady)

  • Faith, repentance, and holiness are no less the free gifts of God than eternal life. (Augustus Toplady)
  • Conformity to Christ is the best cure of conformity to the world. (Augustus Toplady)
  • It is one thing to believe in justification by faith, it is another thing to be justified by faith.
    (Adolph Saphir)

  • Affliction is good, but not pleasant.
    Sin is pleasant, but not good.

  • God saves us from the gutter-most to the uttermost.
  • Our love for Christ is by faith.
    His love for us is by Sovereign Grace.
  • We are not sinners because we sin --
    we sin because we are sinners.
  • Christ died for our sins, was buried for our sins, and rose without our sins.
  • The natural man is not getting any better --
    The regenerate man cannot get any better.
  • Because God is a living God, He can hear; because He is a loving God, He will hear; because He is a covenant God, He has bound Himself to hear. (C. H. Spurgeon)
  • We fear man so much because we fear God so little. (Gurnell)
  • It is only the fear of God that can deliver us from the fear of man (Witherspoon)
  • I must have complete, absolute confidence in God and no confidence in myself. (M. Lloyd Jones)
  • The believer is no longer in unbelief, but unbelief is still in the believer: "Lord, I believe, help Thou mine unbelief!"(Mark 9:24)
  • What the Lord gives, He accepts.
    What the Lord demands, He gives.
  • The Bible does not contain the Word of God, it is the Word of God.
  • God does not forgive anyone's sin that is not paid for. He forgave me, but not my sin -- they were paid for by the blood of Christ!
  • Grace = God giving us what we do not deserve.
    Mercy = God not giving us what we deserve.
  • We know as much about God as we know about His Word.
  • We are:
    Sinners by birth;
    Sinners by nature;
    Sinners by choice.
  • Our sins will not keep us from Glory, but our righteousness would.
  • When Christ reveals Himself there is satisfaction in the slenderest portion, and without Christ there is emptiness in the greatet fullness." (Alexander Grosse)
  • Christ's sheep do not contribute any part of their own wool to their own clothing. They wear, and are justified by, the fine linen of Christ's obedience only. (Augustus Toplady)
  • If thou art not born again, all thy outward reformation is naught. Thou hast shut the door, but the thief is still in the house. (Thomas Boston)
  • Men will never value a Redeemer so well as when they have a very clear consciousness of the ruin from which He has redeemed them. The preciousness of mercy is best known by those who discern the terror of justice. (C.H. Spurgeon)
  • Judge of the infinite malignity of sin by the price which was paid to redeem us from it, and by the power which is exerted in converting us from the dominion of it. For the former, no less than the incarnation and death of God's own Son could avail. For the latter, no less agency than that of God's own Spirit can suffice. (Augustus Toplady)
  • True faith would work, though she dare not boast; but Arminianism will boast, though she does not work. (William Huntington)
  • I will give you this as a most certain observation, that there never was anything of false doctrine brought into the church, or anything of false worship imposed upon the church, but either it was by neglecting the Scripture, or by introducing something above the Scripture.
  • Death does but take away our life from us, but sin takes away our God from us: so that sin is worse than death. (Thomas Watson)
  • "Either Christ will wash your feet or like Pilate you will wash your hands of Him." (Anon.) Peter saith uno him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. (John 13:8)
  • "Health is a good thing; but sickness if far better, if it leads us to God. Prosperity is a great mercy; but adversity is a greater one, if it brings us to Christ. Anything, anything is better than living in carelessness, and dying in sin. Better a thousand times to be afflicted, like the Canaanite mother, and like her to flee to Christ, than live in ease, like the rich 'fool', and die at last without Christ and without hope." (J.C. Ryle)
  • God is the author of all true happiness, He is the donor of all true happiness, He is the maintainer of all true happiness, and He is the centre of all true happiness; and therefore, he that has Him for his God, and for his portion, is the only happy man in the world. (Thomas Brooks)
  • God is so great that nothing is great to Him, and He is so condecending that nothing is little to Him: His infinite majesty thus naturally brings low the lofty and exalts the lowly. (C. H. Spurgeon)
  • We seek in vain temporal deliverances of God if we neglect to seek spiritual graces, which are most necessary to us. (Archibald Simpson)
  • The more purely God's word is preached, the more deeply it pierces and the more kindly it works. (William Gouge)
  • Christ did not die for any upon the condition, if they do believe; but He died for all God's elect, that they should believe. (John Owen)
  • Gold can no more fill the spirit of a man, than grace his purse. A man may as well fill a bag with wisdom, as the soul with the world. ( Robert Bolton)
  • If the selfish hope of winning heaven by works has moved some men to great sacrifice, so much more should the godly motive of gratitude to Him, who has done all this for us, move us to the noblest service and make us feel that it is not a sacrifice at all. (Charles Spurgeon)
  • I bear a willing witness that I owe more to the fire, and the hammer, and the file than to anything else in my Lord's worship. I sometimes question whether I have learned anything except through the rod. (Charles H. Spurgeon)
  • I have read of many wicked popes, but the worst pope I ever met with is pope self. (John Newton)
  • So peculiar is this blessing of the Gospel, that Christ appoints it for the badge and cognizance by which they should not only know one another, but even strangers would be able to know them from any other sect and sort of men in the world; "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, that ye love one another." (William Gurnall)
  • Consider how ill it becomes the offspring of heaven to go licking up the dust of this earth; the woman's seed to content itself with the food of the serpent. (Arrowsmith)
  • "He that hath deserved a hanging hath no reason to charge the judge with cruelty if he escape with a whipping; and we that have deserved a damning have no reason to charge God for being too severe, if we escape with a fatherly lashing." (Thomas Brooks)
    Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are excercised thereby. (Heb 12:11)
  • Trials must and will befall us; but to a Christian they are lovetokens." Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son that He receiveth." To him "tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope." Oh! the grace of God turns every enemy into a friend, every loss into a gain; and enables the man, however he has been exercised, to acknowledge in the review, if not in the endurance, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted." (W. Jay, March 10th, 1839.)
  • "Some are proud of what they are, others of what they are not."(Mason)
    The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. (Luke 18:11)
  • "Oh, What are His frowns if His smiles be so terrible." (Thomas Adams)
    He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Psalm 2:4
  • "The Lord has a golden scepter and an iron rod. Those who will not bow to the one will be broken by the other." (Thomas Watson)
    Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieceslike a potters vessel. (Psalm 2:9)
  • Nearly all the wisdom we possess (that is to say, true and sound wisdom) consists of two parts — the knowledge of God and of ourselves. (John Calvin)
  • Whatsoever we have of this world in our hands, our care must be to keep it out of our hearts, lest it come between us and Christ. (Matthew Henry)
  • Any sermon that doesn't have Christ in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end is a mistake in conception and a crime in execution. (Scott Richardson)
  • The preaching of this and that opinion may please a man's fancy, but it is only the preaching of Christ that changes a man's heart. (Thomas Brooks)
  • A man never lives unto God, in point of holiness, till he be dead to the law in point of righteousness. (Augustus Toplady)
  • All men may be divided into two classes; the righteous who know themselves to be sinners, and sinners who believe themselves to be righteous. (Pascal)
  • Whatever God can do, He unquestionably will do, if He has promised it. (John Calvin)
  • As old Henry Smith says, "A door that is almost shut is open; a man that is almost honest is a thief; a man that is almost saved is damned." (Charles H. Spurgeon)
  • They that hold the truth with a loose hand will soon let it go. They that receive not the love of the truth will soon be given up to believe a lie. (Anonymous)
  • Christ is like the sun in the firmament, incessantly communicating light and heat, and diffusing gladness to others, without exhausting, impairing, or diminishing His own immense fulness. (Augustus Toplady)
  • The hypocrite’s rising is the means of his fall, but the believer’s fall is the means of his rising. (Augustus Toplady)
  • A people hungering after righteousness and a preacher anxious to feed their souls will act in sweet harmony with each other when their common subject is Jesus Christ the Lord. (Pastor Scott Richardson)